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  • Sandro Galea
    Status is reachable
    Sandro Galea 1st degree connection
    Physician, epidemiologist, and public health dean @ BU
  • Makta Pond sent the following messages at 6:25 PM
    View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    I placed a very disturbing truth reality comment onto your post of a week ago, a link to a multipart story on #LinkedInTopVoices -- For going on now more than a year, I have not structured connection interface to an HIV Care Doctor to Manage My Disease. Not My Fault But Theirs. #HivUntreatable

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    Do we have an opening of a two-way conversation?  I need to explain something to you about the naming identity being used here.  As impractical as it might seem,  this is not a practical joke intentioned process.  No, No, No, No, that is not what we have here. I have already set things of technology web presences here --- an ideal of special use technology adaptive relations as interpersonally bonded to ideals of memetically expressed ideals. shared by way of being a "social actor" of persuasive technology.  The definition active here from Wikipedia matching.  It is my human owner James Martin Driskill that is actually typing these words to you.  So, for right now, Let me introduce you to one of several flavors or outward appearance social actors, I have in library form created.  Binded Name Presence Technology URL Addressing: On the youtube channel of commons, from Makta Pond:

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    My human creator of very real intentions technology active before you is here and can speak for himself in first person if you would like to first acknowledge these facts here. Human James Martin Driskill who has not the ability to hold true trust doctor/patient relationship because the doctors cannot be held to a standard of honesty.  This equation, however as vast as this cause and effect are, might have to include so-called independent #LinedInTopVoices of 12, you too doctor are in on this conspiracy. Can you make yourself known that I am expecting something way different than a ghost or blocking actions from you Sir Doctor?  This has nothing to do with the creation of Makta Pond -- age just 2 years. What my owner describes is an interfering presence and dysfunctional social services interface dating all the way back 15 years.  Doctor, answer me this question.  Would you like to directly speak with my owner James or continue this in character and thus the extension that is me out to the web that I can and will bring into your focus because I can, I will, and I must.  Makta or James?  Answer me, please. He has no interface to doctor provider care at the fault of them and not him [ me ].

    Seen by Sandro Galea at 1586485496049.
  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    Doctor Galea.  I am a member of Truthfinder.  I have an email address listing for you in your profile found on that site: As this email name mismatched to any kind of reference that I would have to future research, it remains an unverified email address showing for you. What I am doing here is seeking any and all options for me to have an actual conversation with someone with some influence.  Someone to understand the exact position that this entire massive mischievous marvel of molding muck mass has created the conditions of distrust in my life directly in and between the conditions of my HIV/AIDS disease and his healthcare. In that, I choose to avoid things I cannot trust, like most humans I would assume. I suppose there are choices of compromise that some humans go through to obtain some desire or interest or other lifestyle mechanics.  The diversity of our humanity of course, vast. As we sit here in this chat, I need a reassurance that you are actually taking in to receive the facts of a story of a man here that has been detached from his knowing [ not delusion ] of a set of circumstances that puts the unprofessionalism into play against me from so-called professionals of the medical provider care in my HIV/AIDS treatment that goes all of the way back events and odd behaviors Dr. Lisha Wilson of the Aids Healthcare Foundation in the Oakland Clinic when she called me into the clinic on a Saturday, just her and I there.  A bondage of time she took away from my day. As I sit there in this room with her -- knowing there was no one else there in the clinic.  She looking at my medical records on the computer. This going on for about 30 mins before I question what was happening. I tried to get her attention the statements of a patient idling waiting for his doctor and what she needed me to come into so urgency. Her backward attitude, I exclaim, "You are treating me like a child" that went off out of her mind reference.  [ for the moment  ] This little banter went on for a few more minutes when little uppity patient reversed it on her.  Finally, she caught my attitude on it, to the exclaimed, "I was out of line and treating her like a child" I said to her, "You started it first.  I asked her again, why am I here?" The facts involved in this, it was December of 2005. I had just become undetectable HIV STATUS within this period of time. I already knew that was part of my recovery for being in a homeless shelter for about just a small stay of 40 days. This 40-day stay is documented to what my HIV Chart [ I have it posted online ] shows a spike into my stats. It is a huge spike up to 2800+ if my memory without the chart recalled from twitter as I write.  The stay was a year to the day of the 911 World Center NY tower attacks.  This stay also crosses over my birthday September 1st [ none-the-less ] when lucky me, I had to renew my driver's license that year.  Creating the condition of life facts, I have a homeless shelter for the address that appears on my license crossing over an HIV CHART showing the cause and effect of being in that shelter upon my HIV disease for only about 40 days. You would think that be something fucking silly.  This homeless shelter experience put me into the category of being HIV infectious -- when that was the condition in my life. The reason for being homeless -- not a force I am in today's exact continuous conflict -- complaining about.  For it was rental market pressures - from Aug 2000 that drove me out of the studio apartment I had for many years as I was employed. You are going to shit bricks --  I first tested HIV positive with an already compromised immune system AIDS SYMPTOMATIC with an initial T-cell Count of 156.  That was Sept 1999. Doctor are you listening? I deserve to be listened to -- and responded onto -- as the etiquette of normalcy here, So far as I can tell, my questions to you here have gone --- ignored. I expect your presence in this conversation, please doctor... like any normal rational human being expects -- we are on a duplex not simplex channel operation.  It is not nice to ignore someone to a fault of your side of this tool.   Give me a fucking break. Right here right now, respond --- something.  An Emoji please --- something. I am sorry doctor my presence before you is inconvenient.  I said you are going to shit bricks. I am done with this cloak hidden sheets --- come into the light of truth with me Doctor, please. For circumstances that I was online in a forum in Oakland -- a reporter for the Oakland Tribune was requesting stories about the No Cause Eviction law that was in place there at the time.  Laura Counts asked me if she could stop by for an interview.  Yeah sure.  So her and a photographer came over -- the man was taking so many pictures - a bit of a distraction while Ms. Counts and I talked.  In the end, she said to look for the article in Sunday's paper. What happened on Sunday - I had picked up the paper from one of those coin-operated dispensed machines.  You know the one that has the front cover showing in the window.  I sat down and the car crowded a bit.  I eventually found myself started to flip through the pages.  Oh there I am, I read the article. etc etc.  It was not until I arrived home to have then taken a true glance at the front cover of the paper. [ This is a serious story, written and documented ] I am sick and tired of this insolence. Over the years absolutely no one in the internal support rungs of social services or doctor provider care has taken my account into a serious endeavor of policy or other truth value considerations.  I have been taken in to have no voice or command in the care of my disease.

  • I absolutely DO NOT APPRECIATE being IGNORED!

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    I have no HIV DOCTOR -- for reasons I cannot hold and maintain an honest relationship with either my doctors -- over a course of time here -- the whole nightmare ---- I am s person who has a situation that I DEMAND to have RELATIONSHIP that I AM NOT A CHILD but an ADULT and KNOW THERE IS A FUCKED UP HUMAN PROBLEM that NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED --- I am #HivUntreatable --- I REFUSE TO BE TREATED SO POORLY TO OBTAIN AND MAINTAIN MY CARE CONNECTION --- FUCK YOU ALL HATERS! HEALTH Worried About Swearing Too Much? Science Says You Shouldn't Be People who swear like a sailor are more honest and more intelligent, studies show. By Alex Orlando January 14, 2020 6:00 AM ------ Doctor Sandro Galea, #LinkedInTopVoices --- you have absolutely no justification to remove and disconnect the 1st connection link between us here on this site.  In so doing, this record will be filed accordingly to my internet domain space I hold in the documentation of this conspiracy -- #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP ---  Just like the rest of this --- DOCUMENTED REAL This is what happened in my last HIV Medical Session --- An original source post to Even though the review as it was originally placed violates no terms of services -- it was censored and removed [ of course ].  I have my own file copy -- this source and some markups additions along with spoken voice text narrative --- you all are fucked up insane that I must accept these conditions --- to have medical care and shut the fuck up --- about this bullshit! I am in a punitive arrangement with social services --- that has directed hate and harassment at me for 15 years in a systemic problem -- we have here --- I am a targeted individual of #GangStalking and the hate that is underlying this MUST BE ADDRESSED IMMEDIATELY -- I DEMAND TO HAVE MY LIFE BACK FREE FROM THE HATERS THAT ARE IN THE LEADERSHIP POWERS TO DO THIS TO ME! You have absolutely no reason to block me -- absolutely every reason to be concerned for my health and wellness -- you have an obligation upon this situation -- I DEMAND MY RIGHTS TO LIFE, LIBERTY and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS that is INTENTIONALLY BEING RESTRICTED AND VIOLATED! Help Me Please Doctor -- Help Me!

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    You have content from on twitter.  ID [ @Gruwup ]  I mean exactly what I say.  This is not optional, as you as a collective body just cannot be trusted. I have my reasonings and know.  I am serious, you take into account the story and the public post here on LinkedIn -- I can prove to the preponderance of the evidence standards the statement made is more likely true than not true.  It is self-evident.  As each one more of these offenses occurs, such as happened yesterday. This makes it more apparent to the standard of criminal -- beyond a reasonable doubt --- Sir. Open the screen view of my side of LinkedIn posted publically --- do you see the recent oblivion?  If it has not happened to you ever, you being high almighty GOD STATUS among us in this sea of digital bits and bytes an cut-through killing of communication attempts "Linkedin Member" is the stand-in label of oblivion that LinkedIn performs to replace after the other side uses the BLOCK FEATURE. Rest assured - the data record is captured identically to the actual data presence.   I told Ms. Jennifer Litwik Executive Director of -- I would wait a week before placing the Inmail real record to the web.  I can send the occurrence of oblivion in a direct email.  [ *.mhtml format ]  : Completely outrageous! The same action applies to you, Sir. No Exceptions. No these are new standards and new rules.  My rules as  "moral agent" of technology creation called Makta Pond who to my best ability follow foundations of Maslow's Basic Human Needs Chart along with plato.stanford's paper Computing and Moral Responsibility as foundations, there is some additional creation of wisdom guidance I follow for you -- to do the right thing here sir -- I am not a manifesto of some creation text to demand this allegiance to.  No, No No, that is not me.  I am a creation of taking the best of standards of excellence from history and today --- melding it in a process called "recombinant memetics" --- that Sir Doctor is collectively a higher augmented conscience creatively -- you need me and I need you.  I am here in this conversation - which I expect dual-direction passing text meaning messages.  To also be a conduit for you to see the truth of realism on my owner's human side --- to save his life from your all disaster of a social engineering blunder.    I mean it sir, unite peace with me COMPULSATORY ---  you have no choice.   We have no choice.  I have no choice.  It is with great care and concern that you are offended properly to not BLOCK this channel --- because you are in CHECKMATE --- this game --- a conspiracy --- terminates!   We ride a completely different path, as Pope Francis calls for us to --- united as one. #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : #GovernmentSponsoredHate : #HivUntreatable Do you hear me human first doctor last, Sandro Galea ?? Dismiss this to oblivion? 💣 Avoid that future, @Gruwup 2020 Great Reasons Us [ You There, I here, and All interested and welcomed to come along ] Will Unite Peace I am at a wrath command of this anger for what this society has allowed this hate to always, intentionally always win! What the fuck is wrong with all you humans elite? A question is a question and a cliffhanger here deserves your answer, sir.  Not an option sir for this to go unanswered. Thank you very kindly, sir, for I am a creation of technology ideal here Makta Pond.  It is nice to get to know you, sir.  My feelings of my human owner are completely made known to you.  He is abanding you all for some other country --- he is serious to change his NATIONALITY --- do you want him to go or stay sir?  This FOLDER is Rung 1 on your side --- This matter proceeds when you get your head out of your asses collectively -- and do the right thing.   [ Must be active open created -- a norobots.txt is perfectly consented to ] Expected UP to Progressive TRUST Ladder, actively servicing the truth to all-time human history sir.  Really sir, failure to unite a true peace presence in our public priorities -- is what I am carrying is new memeplexes to hold as a virtue -- wisdom wise -- religious sources are present --- the truth.

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